Thursday, June 2, 2011

How to Paint a Door

Paint the door quickly and properly-

It's really weird how easy it is to paint wood panel doors, the process is usually reduced to a 30-minute project, which requires nothing more than a bucket of paint and a decent brush. With just a little preparation and patience you can achieve fantastic results.

Follow these simple steps and your newly painted doors will be a source of pride and success.

What you need :

A Primer - High quality, oil-based
the Paint - High quality, semi-gloss
OA 3-4 "Black China Brush (for oil-based paint) or a synthetic bristle brush (for latex paint)
A 220-grit sandpaper and sanding block
Tack cloths on

1 Prepare project

O Avoid painting after rain or in damp weather, the door should be done immediately after the wrapping is removed.
the more care taken in preparing the surface before painting the door, you better results. Remove all hardware, and fill any nail holes with wood filler.

2 Prepare Door

The surface should be clear of any dirt, it should be clean and dry. If there are any handling marks, you can remove them lightly sanding the surface.
o Finally, wipe the surface of your wood door panel with a tack cloth to ensure dust-free finish.

3 Apply a primer

O Apply a coating of parts.

o When painting styles and rails, use long strokes to prevent the paint from pooling where the horizontal rails and vertical styles meet.
The color of the last four edges (top, bottom, left and right ).

4 Allow the paint to dry

O Allow the paint to dry before applying another layer. Consult the paint manufacturer's instructions for drying time.

5 To ensure the quality of the result

A whole door (with all 6 sides) requires a minimum of 2 layers to ensure complete sealing; limiting moisture absorption and maintain your security door


6 door again

O You're finished! Now get that thing back in the opening, and put it to use.

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