eczema in children is a relatively common problem with an estimated 20% of all children likely to develop the condition at some point in their djetinjstvu.Najčešći eczema in children is known as atopic eczema or allergic. Will often appear in children who have one or both parents who have suffered from skin problems, hay fever or asthma.
condition is often found on the face and neck, although it can also spread to other areas of the skin at the knee or koljena.Težini conditions can vary very significantly with some children only a few light patches of irritated skin, while others may have infected a rash all over his body. Itching and scratching can obviously become a major problem for the child and all interested parties.
moisturizers and steroid creams are the most common forms of treatment, although antibiotics may be needed to stop secondary infection. There are several things that self-help options you can try to treat eczema in babies, such as:
Clothing - try to stay clear of synthetic fabrics and wool. Cotton fabrics are a better choice because it will allow the skin to breathe a little easier.
temperature - extremes of temperature may itch even more serious problem. Try to keep a mild and constant temperature in your home. Also try to avoid overheating your baby with too many clothes and blankets.
Soaps - Detergents and soaps tend to remove natural oils on your skin will dry and itchy even gore.Vodena cream is a good alternative. Try to limit the number of baths and use a moisturizer after careful drying.
mite - Eczema in babies can often be much worse than allergic reactions to dust mites. This problem often arises from contact with carpet or bedding. Do to shake all the leaves daily to wash them in hot water every 3 or 4 days. Try to keep your child from taking or play on any carpeted floors.
Diet - a reaction to certain food types can often worsen the eczema was a child. It is therefore important to determine what foods may cause reactions and then eliminate them entirely from the child's diet. Although there are tests that can be performed to check for allergies, and are not always reliable. This means that it is simply a case of trial and error to determine what could be causing the reaction. First, try foods that commonly cause allergies such as fish, eggs, soy, yeast extract, wheat, citrus, nuts, and dairy products.
eczema that appears in children can be very significant problem for any child or parent. It is important that early action to reduce the severity and duration of the problem.
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