The perfume has become an integral part of our everyday life. It is part of our identity. Consider an ordinary day, and all the different sensations of smell, zesty invigorating shower gel, personal knowledge of the perfume, the smell of freshly washed clothes just washed, citrus tang in the dish-wash liquid, a relaxing night massage oils.
smell in every product we use is taken for granted, but behind the scenes of the industry constantly strives to improve the smell. People are essentially visually oriented, and dependent on sight and sound to gather information from the environment. "smell" Yet it is an extraordinary sense, closely linked to the limbic system (seat of emotion and memory function), has power over all other senses to transport us in time for times past or pervade our psyche to change our mood. consumer is in front of a scientist, however, now more than ever before, in the developed world is flooded with products to enhance every aspect of modern life. The consumer is spoiled for choice, but choice has to be! Scent is an important part in the positioning of these products and is a feature that consumers are turning automatically point to the promise. It is much more than a personal perfume. It is a mysterious, ethereal and elusive. However, it is firmly rooted in the physical world and can therefore be examined scientifically.
The word perfume is derived from the Latin perfumum, which means 'from' or'through'smoke, as was the use of burning incense to the ancient prayers, were transported to heaven for razmišljanjaBogovi. the use of fragrances that are developed within the four great centers of culture in China, India, Egypt and Mesopotamia, and it was in the elite company of Greece, Palestine.Rome, Persia and Arabia. the world's major religions Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Zoroastroism employ fragrance in accordance with their faith. Therefore, religious and enjoyable pursuits are the main drives in the phenomenal growth in the use of perfume over the centuries.
the Bible is chock-full of fragrance descriptions. The story of Jesus of Nazareth is populated by fragrant materials from frankincense and myrrh, his gifts at birth, to use nard to wash his feet in life and end the use of spices in the binding leaves your body after the crucifixion. Through trade and farming, Palestine became a major source of aromatic richness. The Greeks further developed the use of fragrances, not only in praise of their gods, but also for purely hedonistic purposes. Science medicine and herbalism developed with Hippocrates and Theophrastus, while Alexander the Great, tutored by Aristotle, in the third century BC, advanced use of alchemy. The most commonly used scents Greeks were rose, saffron, frankincense, myrrh, violets, spikenard, and cinnamon and cedar.
Meanwhile, in Rome, Pliny the Elder noted primitive method of condensation which collected oil from the resin bed of wool, and also made the first tentative experiments in chromatography. Throughout the centuries, the perfume has provided the path to happiness.
first professional scented accumulated in their Capua, who became a trading center industry. The perfume was used in abundance on the game as a gift for the gods and as a mask malodors for blood and intestines-dappled arena. It is estimated that in the first century the Romans were consuming almost 3000 tons of frankincense and more than 500 tons of expensive myrrh. Roman emperors used perfume surplus, instanced by Nero and his wife Poppeae, who had some kind of "perfumed water" in their palaces, with false ceilings designed to drop flower petals on the dinner guests and scented doves which scented the air with perfumed wings. When Poppeae died, it was said that Nero burned the whole year supply of incense on her funeral pyre.
Empress Zoe, in the Christian stronghold of Constantinople, which had employed court fragrant. From there the practice spread, Norman strewing flowers and rushes on the floors castles and churches to make the air fragrant and acceptable.
In a perverse day, the Black Death of 1347-1351 and subsequent pandemics are a great catalyst for growth in the use of aromatic products, which has already shown signs of prosperity in Eastern alchemical practice. Counteract the smell of decomposition of dead bodies, because of the plague, people wore nosegays and small floral bouquets. washing with water and wrapped the body in the dim or when he felt that an effective defense against the Black Death, and the torch bearers of the names of spices went in front of important and wealthy personalities.
Guilds supply products aroma began to form between 12 and 13 century. Crafts are the London Guild Pepperers and Spicers, and in 1268 Glover's Guild has been recognized. King Henry I of France and England granted heraldic shield on the Guild fragrant. Charter Glover perfume was approved by Philip Augustus of France, but 1190th
Venice was an important center for commerce and trade between Europe, the Middle East and the Orient, and became a funnel through which a lot of spices and aromatic raw materials reached Europe, and its dominance in the trade for these products lasted several hundred years.
as the Distillation of Art and was known in 11 century, but Europe's first discussion of distillation was written by Catalan Arnaldo of Villanova 1310.Different some kind of distilled spirit identified as aqua vitae (life), aqua vini (wine), and aqua gardens (burning water) and a book on the practice was An English translation from German. Early in the process of distillation using alembics, usually made of copper, iron or tin, lead and silver because he had character tainting steam distillation. Arnaldo of Villanova showed interest in sulfur baths Montpellier, and it was around this time that the smell of raw materials and manufacturing center in Grasse, southern France, began to develop strongly. In the meantime, Paracelsus (1493-1541) worked on distillation to separate the 'essential' to 'unimportant' parts of the circuit, and further develop the theory Quinta essential fifth element, involved in imbuing life. In 1573 Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford, brought Elizabeth I not only scented sachets, but also perfumed gloves and Jerkins. Around this time first books and manuscripts describing perfumery techniques emerged, a court scented took the stage. a contemporary Elizabeth, Catherine de Medici (1519-1589) traveled to France to marry HenryII and her entourage were two skilled craftsmen skilled in the craft of perfumes and poisons. Diane de Poitiers, a rival Medici, was said to dabble in self philters, potions, perfumes and poisons.
Norstardamus, personal astrologer Catherine, was known to inhale the smoke and incense as part of preparation for his prophesies. As plgue doctor, Nostradamus used rose petals as the pill and Palliative part of an herbal remedy for bad breath and teeth cleaning. Prescription for these pills are red roses picked before dawn, sawdust from fresh green cypress. iris, clove, Calamus, tiger lilies and aloes. His second wife, Ana Ponsard Gemelle was known as the creator herbalised perfume.
History is full of examples of known and their perfumed settings: Henry III is said to have fallen head over heels in love with Mary Cleeves after breathing the smell of it just remove the clothes. Henry IV of France, reportedly is the scent of ripe, so that his purposes, Marie de Medici (1573-1642) kneeled over when he first met her, while Henry himself, revealing in its natural fragrance and those of others, once reportedly wrote mistress Gabrielle d'Estrela, 'Do not wash your love, I'll be home in eight days. French kings and their courts largely indulged the use of scent, neroli LouisXIII favors, on the basis of orange blossom, while his chief advisor Cardinal Richelieu was the fragrant scent of flowers 'bellowed' through their apartments. Louis XIV, the Sun King, with his mistress Madame de Montespan, its complex aromas, a Louis XV abundantly rich in 'La Cour Parfumee' (perfumed court) with his mistress Madame de pompadour and Madame du Barry, where even the fountains did not escape scented dousing.
Mean while, over in England, Charles I (1600-1649) Neil Gwynne as olfactory advisor, while CharlesII (1630-1685) was encouraged in art by Catherine aromatic Braganza.Perfume ring, filigree pomanders vinaigrettes and provided new ways to perfume the air, much needed because the strong scent of musk and civet Valerian is a desirable lack of personal hygiene that existed at that time.
In 1708, Charles Lilly, London perfumer, introduced scented snuffs the revolutionary fragrance consisting of orange flower, musk, civet, violet and amber, while in 1711 William Bayley opened perfume shop in Long Acre, later moving Cockspur Street under the sign of 'Ye Olde Civet Cat'. Juan Floris (1730) and William Yardely (1770) added to the groundswell of agreement in France Houbigant (1774) and Lubin (1798). These half-dozen scented catalyzed by the market, expanding its clientele to commonflok. Two well-known complex aroma La Poudre de Marechale (1670) and Eau de Colonge (1710), grew in popularity, they move slightly in the presence of heavy scents Animalic times, but the shrimp and plague at the counter, aroma all descriptions are slapped on, sprinkled and carried over into nosegays. Houses have been updated using pomanders, potpourris and cassoulets.The chuches grinned and Oliver Cromwell did his best to put the seal on the use of smell, but the eighteenth century saw a reaction from the powerful smell of scale.
Fragrances are required in the luxury of fighting fragrant disaster zone prisons, hospitals, ships, churches, theaters, workshops and, indeed, anywhere where there is a gathering of humming humanity.
seventeenth century perfume began to be stored in a slightly blown glass bottles and the eighteenth century saw the look of pear-shaped bottles in an opaque white glass, porcelain decorated with similar articles. Weight is reduced, and decorative appeal achieved by color, cutting and appliqué decoration, perfume bottles, which is truly valuable possessions, worth a lot of today's collectors.
Napoleon Bonaparte liked the flavors, like citrus and herbal aromas and popular Eau de Cologne, using the apparently more bottles a day. Josephine, Creole from Martinique, employed different odor mixtures. It is favored animalics, especially loved musk oil.
of Queen Victoria can be credited with the two smell of a revolution that has hit Britain. headscarf she wore as steeped in patchouli, imbuing the rich woody scent of clothes. During the Victorian era, wearing perfume is strictly controlled. As the Victorian era drew to a close, new names cropped up to cater for the mass market demand in quality and reliability of the odor. Researchers and businesses in the developing olfactory both the integrity and reputation. To familiar names such as Lillie Yardley, Lentheric, and Floris are added Savoury and Moores, Atkinsons, Chardin, Crown, Coty, Hougibant, Guerlain, Roger and Gallet, Penhaligon and Piver, names that are known in households today
Perfumery developed in three basic ways: technology, structure and synthetic employees and industrialization processes
in his book, Odours, Fragrances and Cosmetics (1865), S. Piesse developed a theory to specific odors in the notes on the music charts in an attempt to categorize the spectrum of fragrances. In 1890, Atkinsons published a book about the technology of perfume, in essence, engaged in the production of absolute cryoscopic by removing fat. In 1861, Guerlain created Eau Imperiale for Empress Eugenie, the influential wife of Napoleon III. By the end of the century, this restored smell was shown tobe created around neroli, rose, geranium, sandalwood, musk and synthetic chemical coumarin. Fragrances began to describe the structural form, with the adoption of the top, middle and bottom note of terminology.
Two other scents, Forger Royale (1882) and Jicky (1889) were vogue.Fougere Royale is arguably one of the first fragrances to use synthetic chemical-coumarin, while Jicky held the first truly vertically structured fragrance with fresh, citrus on top of lemon, bergamot and mandarin, middle of floral notes of rose and jasmine, woody notes of vetiver, patchouli and iris root, and base notes of coumarin, benzoin, civet, amber and vanilla. By 1879, Yardley exporting different kinds of scented soap in the United States, while the British company Crown smell the export of fifty different fragrances in various countries. Scent focused on mass production techniques for the smell of chemicals, glass bottles and alcohol services of ever-increasing market demand. The products are brand to encourage consumer loyalty. Fragrances of France, England and Spain expanded its horizons in the global market. Perfume started reaching masses.Tjis set the scene for the twentieth century, at the age of fashion, which prompted a truly explosive growth in the use of fragrances in many forms.
In the first 20 years of the twentieth century, the result of fine fragrances has been developed, including Violette Purpre (1907, Houbigant), L'Oregano (1905, Coty), English Lavender (1910, Atkinsons), L'Heure Blue (1912 , Coty), and Old English Lacender (1913, Yardley). Over the last decade of this century, the industry has grown to such an extent that it is over 100 years in fine fragrances are being launched. Perfume came to the people. Chemistry and creativity have brought him there.