Sunday, March 20, 2011

Humanity Clothing

humanity Clothes considered as a group, clothing or covering. includes coverings for the torso and limbs, as well as coverings for the hands, feet and head. The primary purpose of clothing is functional, as well as protection from the elements. Clothing has become an integral part of self-realization of each person. It is no longer just the "outer shield" and flippant attitude towards it can cause loss of an important physical, psychological and social aspects of a person's life.

Clothing and improve safety in hazardous activities such as hiking and cooking, providing a barrier between the skin and the environment. Clothing protects the body, it also provides social messages to other people. Clothing performs a range of social and cultural functions, such as individual, professional and sexual differentiation, and social status. There is a prevailing belief that people wear points on his or her social status and relative success. Most people tend to fall into three categories of clothing styles. These styles are a business, business casual, and trendy.

the type of clothing depends entirely on the person who wears it, so it becomes a reflection of his perception of himself, which brings us to the idea - of personal identity. The man never gets a second chance to make a first impression. So, what he wears speaks volumes about his station in life. business world is competitive in the style of dress. well-dressed man is usually in the center of attention, because he represents an image that is confident and professional. As the standard of people will wear dark suits and coordinating relations. Wearing a tie is a symbol of respect and responsibility.

Today, clothing is not an attribute belongs to a clan or restrained social level, although she can still tell a lot about the financial condition of the person. Clothing is a fundamental part of the image of modern man or woman. image is constructed from a variety of reasons and different manifestations. Clothing includes many types of clothing like jeans, t-shirts, shirts, skirts, suits, trousers for women, men and youth to carry for any function, such as for office staff and other events such as dinner, farewell, anniversaries, etc.

can affect the behavior of people. The types of clothing may be implied by the social status of people. people in different social status behave differently because of their childhood and society. For example, the king and his family always wear glamorous clothes, while the poor wear dirty clothes. We can see the different behaviors of the two groups accordingly. People act differently when they wear different types of clothing because of social status and social manners. Because people need to live in society, they must follow social traditions that they love or not.So, clothing was very angry manipulative tool, a communication other than its importance in social class, culture and gender relations people.

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