Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Replica Designer Handbags

I was recently scammed into buying a replica designer handbag when you're trying to buy an authentic one on ebay. I found a beautiful authentic Louis Vuitton on eBay one day and paid a high price for it, which I thought was really worth the effort. I got the bag and fell in love with him immediately - who would not? a week after I had the bag, I decided to look around Saks and see just how well I've gotten a bargain for yourself. saleswoman told me that my bag is not authentic - much to my shock. She told me, politely, that there are more designer replica handbags on the market rather than authentic, and it becomes a legal issue for an authentic coffee. decent lady to me filled in on exactly how she was able to tell me that my bag was fake and gave me some good advice on how to spot replica designer handbags.

Unfortunately, I was able to get a refund on my bag that I bought from ebay as I have been using the bag. valuable lessons learned. Unless you really know what you are looking for and are willing to spend a small fortune in a reputable store in the center of town, chances are you will be purchasing a replica designer handbags instead of the authentic one of the on-line. If you want to look like you have loads of money, wearing bags replica designer is not necessarily a bad thing in the first place. However, with a large quantity of replica currently on the market, most people will see the Louis Vuitton brand, or other great brand name are probably false. Now, why spend money to guarantee the authenticity, when everyone will assume that your bag is not real at all? Well, whether or not it is worth having the right bag is up to you.

Today you can stroll the streets of New York and be led into the back alley, where you will be shown to have a lot of replica designer handbags. Be warned though, law officials and owners of these designer bags are not as tolerant as a replica of what was once in the past. EBay and other online retail sites has recently cracked down on being able to give some fake brand items. Make sure that if you intend to sell something that is authentic, you must have proof to back up the authenticity of the request. Otherwise, do not list. I much rather be safe than sorry .....

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