Sunday, March 13, 2011

Weight Loss Tips - Let Your Goals Shine Brightly!

Everyone knows that weight loss did lose weight you need to set a goal. Or two. Or if you have a lot more to lose weight.

and anyone who has read anything about success know that a good goal setting is very important. If you do not know where you will not know how to get there. You May take a long-winded way. You May not even recognize when you arrive!

So we can probably all agree that setting goals is important when you want to lose weight.

but so often it does not seem to work. Oh, that's great in the beginning - you can get the height and weight charts, they do it to have a healthy BMI should be 8 feet tall, you can calculate the weight loss you need to do, divide it by how many weeks you are to a great night / wedding / jury trial and then You set it with diet and exercise.

and at first it all goes smoothly, but then gradually you lose sight of why you are doing. Birth or child becomes a job. You have to eat this and not eat. You did not lose enough last week, so you have to starve this week. Would you like to eat chocolate cake and lose weight. You convince yourselfthat this is is impossible and your healthy eating habits gradually slip away .

And why?

Since you have forgotten your aim.

Oh, you might remember a weight loss goal - 30 pounds or so it has to go, it's etched in your memory, written in each cookie in icing and decorated on every sweet you ever eat. No, you can forget that goal. And it seems angry, frustrated, anxious or despairing, it only encourages your emotional eating.

But the real reason for the desired weight loss, which has been forgotten. What is it? Have you ever really know what it is? Do you have emotions attached to that goal?

character of weight loss is just a number on the scale. That, in itself, will not make you happy, but there's something attached to the weight which will make you happy. And once you have found something, you can start to make the goal in mind at all times, even when faced with the most severe heating temptation known to mankind (or womankind, usually involves chocolate ).

So, how to find this magic weight loss goal?

Try this simple (but thoughtful) steps to get you on your way to slim

Try this simple (but thoughtful) steps to get you on your way to slim


1 Decide on a target weight, it can be medium weight, if you have a lot to lose weight or if weight loss is just plain scary for you.


3 Is there any sound with this picture? Imagine the people cheering, hearing compliments from his friends, playing Beethoven's Ode to Joy or your favorite heavy metal band for a concert just for you. sillier the better, really, as long as it makes you feel great.

4 How do you feel? Imagine the texture of the fabric of the new clothes you wear. Feel the power / hold and / or chic elegance of your grip. Enjoy the feeling of immersion in the pool or paragliding cliff with your slender body.

5 Now enjoy all these sentiments and said: "I am enjoying the process of shedding fat that will make you feel great / fantastic / a hot chick ... reiterate that the outfit!

Practice this visualization, so that you can do when the food or slouch in front of the house for comfort food. It is not a weight loss you want, it's the feelings that go with it, then start to experience these feelings and I know that these feelings will only get better as you take off extra pounds and get closer to your goal.

and as you move closer to the finish line, you can nurture your new character and I know that you are creating a slimmer you will be with you forever.

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